A major new event in the addictions landscape – the organisers claimed. To date, there hasn’t been a Europe-wide meeting on addictions. Many smaller conferences took place around the old continent, including the Annual Symposium of the Society for the Study of Addiction in York – the oldest addiction society in the world (anno 1884). I hoped that Lisbon can bring together people that attend the other meetings but never together. Here, I note my thoughts from three out of the 17 keynotes that I attended.
photocredit: lisbonaddictions.eu |
Robert West (@westr) on Wednesday 23 September 11:00 – 12:30, Plenary Session I (other speakers: Anne Line Bretteville-Jensen, Gabriele Fischer, Mark Kleiman, Marina Picciotto).
photo credit: rawest.co.uk |
Keith Humphreys o (@keithNHumphreys) n Thursday 24 September 09:00 – 10:30, Plenary Session II (other speakers: Linda Bauld, Felix de Carvalho, Marina Davoli, Margriet Van Laar).
photo credit: stanford.edu |
Thomas Babor on Thursday 24 September 16:00 – 17:45, Plenary Session III (other speakers: Gerhard Bühringer, Henrique Lopes, Pia Mäkelä, Susana Jiménez Murcia).
photo credit: sea-addiction.org |