Research impact is often hard to prove. It takes years before our findings change the world and the change is often small. This new abstract
Black fish: how whales and researchers form groups
The eight of us met on Monday, December 2 for a second attempt to create a research group in primary care at University of Limerick. Our discussions
Recruitment shock
3.6% response rate? Shocking! For our new feasibility study, we sent over 200 invitations to primary care doctors in Ireland and the invitees
Fidelity questions
Clinical trials use elaborate methods to make sure that everybody does the exact thing as they planned. Measuring treatment fidelity is checking the
Helping agonist patients with alcohol problems: A NEW guide for primary care staff
What should doctors do differently when screening for alcohol use and delivering brief interventions for agonist patients in primary care? General
Cochrane wins the best paper award in the General Practice category at the Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland (#Cochrane)
Last night, our Cochrane review about Psychosocial interventions to reduce alcohol consumption in concurrent problem alcohol and illicit drug
Cochrane conference in Ireland: Making an impact? (#cochraneevidence)
Another conference’s over. This one is among my favourites because it’s about Cochrane collaboration. It attracted around 70 delegates who came to