The Forum magazine is the official journal of the Irish College of General Practitioners ICGP. Published monthly by MedMedia since 1991, it is
The mystery of change (-ing others): article in the Irish Psychologist
How may I help you– change you?* “Change is the Law of Life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” -
Honor pot: testing doctors’ drug counselling skills in a new pilot study in Ireland
In our new new paper, we outline plans for doing a study which should tell us whether doctors and agonist patients accept psychological interventions
Helping agonist patients with alcohol problems: A NEW guide for primary care staff
What should doctors do differently when screening for alcohol use and delivering brief interventions for agonist patients in primary care? General
What agonist patients think about alcohol #SBIRT? A new paper out now
What do patients attending family physicians for methadone treatment think of screening and brief interventions for alcohol problems? Except for being
INVEST-ing: Jan Klimas teams up with US university
Jan Klimas, PhD, joins the Western States Node on March 1, 2013, as a NIDA CTN INVEST Fellow. NIDA is the National Institute on Drug Abuse, and