What do dance and science have in common? What makes a successful choreographer or scientist? In this post, I speculate about the bitterness of the
Random thoughts on academic mobility
What if you decide to take root, but discover a quicksand instead of a firm ground? Serendipitously, I have stumbled upon an essay about dislocation
Four years post doctorate
Being a senior postdoc brings many opportunities. I wrote about them in my blog last year. Now, I’d like to revisit them, see what’s new and what has
Resolution 2015
“I write one page of masterpiece to ninety-one pages of sh…t, I try to put the sh…t in the wastebasket.” Hemingway Eighty years
Doctors sweat to discover traditions of the first nations
Many doctors see addiction as a disease of body only. If overdone, this view can lead to medicalization of addiction. Some may argue that the latest
Alcohol and opioid agonist treatment: A community response
September 9th, 2014 – From research to practice: The Community Response organisation in Dublin is pleased to announce a new stabilization programme
No Fixed Abode: Movie Screening on Wednesday – 20th August at 10am in Filmbase, Dublin
August 20th, 2014 - South West Inner City Network in Dublin is pleased to invite all to the premiere of No Fixed Abode, a short movie exploring the
Dear neighbour
An open letter to my neighbour who crashed my bike parked in an underground parking lot.Thank you for the opportunity to stay at home and to learn how
Answer to Ethan #38: how to write a science blog
Ethan Siegel posed challenging questions in his post about science blogging. They prompted me to think about my own blog. If you’d ever been thinking