West coast and East coast of the U.S. are very different, people always told me. West coast was my home for 6 months - spring and summer. At the
Saying bye slowly makes parting easier
Last days of my INVEST fellowship Visiting research scholars make new friends quickly and parting is not always easy for them. I said bye in
A decade in the addictions field
Edited March 4, 2020 by janklimas ... or women, men and non-binary folk who mentored me. Career in addiction health services research can be
Doing research with busy doctors – an open space world
Family doctors are notoriously busy. Lack of their time is the number #1 barrier of doing anything outside their patient workload, including research.
Relationships of drug users change, but slowly
Are social relationships sensitive to therapeutic change? The ‘‘Phase Model of Change’’ - a famous model in psychotherapy - says that change in
Honor pot: testing doctors’ drug counselling skills in a new pilot study in Ireland
In our new new paper, we outline plans for doing a study which should tell us whether doctors and agonist patients accept psychological interventions
Helping agonist patients with alcohol problems: A NEW guide for primary care staff
What should doctors do differently when screening for alcohol use and delivering brief interventions for agonist patients in primary care? General
Pedicabs, Cochrane & Drugs Conference in San Diego
I was in San Diego (CA) 9 years ago. We went there with my wife, then a girlfriend, on a J1 Student work & travel programme. We worked as pedicab
What agonist patients think about alcohol #SBIRT? A new paper out now
What do patients attending family physicians for methadone treatment think of screening and brief interventions for alcohol problems? Except for being