The healthcare landscape is changing. The delegates at the 2015 Addiction Health Services Research conference met to exchange ideas about how to
First European conference on dependencies 2015: Keynotes #LxAddictions15
A major new event in the addictions landscape - the organisers claimed. To date, there hasn't been a Europe-wide meeting on addictions. Many smaller
Reduce alcohol consumption in illicit drug users: In the news
In 2012, we reviewed the evidence for talking therapies to reduce drinking among people who also use other drugs. This review was published by the
New BMJ personal view out now: Training in addiction medicine should be standardised and scaled up
Most health systems lack sufficiently trained doctors to reduce the public health consequences of this problem, writes J
Writing Together: Do Too Many Cooks Spoil the Broth?
July 29: Nurse Liz Charalambous has shown how a Facebook group can really help boost writing (careers, June 3). We would like to take this idea one
Survival of the bitterest: Why dancers are good role models for scientists
What do dance and science have in common? What makes a successful choreographer or scientist? In this post, I speculate about the bitterness of the
Getting the most out of the Conference of the College on Problems of Drugs Dependence #CPDD2015
June 15, 2015 – The conference of the College of Problems on Drugs Dependence took place in Phoenix, Arizona. When I learned that my paper was
Voice to Voice Book launch June 18, 7 pm, Lost + Found Café, 33 W Hastings, Vancouver, BC
Thursdays Writing Collective invites you to celebrate the launch of our seventh anthology, Voice to Voice!Thursday, June 18, 2015Lost + Found
Random thoughts on academic mobility
What if you decide to take root, but discover a quicksand instead of a firm ground? Serendipitously, I have stumbled upon an essay about dislocation