Our local corner shop sells alcohol. They also sell groceries, such as garlic, which I went to buy last week. I noticed a booklet by the cash register
The mystery of change (-ing others): article in the Irish Psychologist
How may I help you– change you?* “Change is the Law of Life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” -
Recruitment shock
3.6% response rate? Shocking! For our new feasibility study, we sent over 200 invitations to primary care doctors in Ireland and the invitees
Saying bye slowly makes parting easier
Last days of my INVEST fellowship Visiting research scholars make new friends quickly and parting is not always easy for them. I said bye in
Relationships of drug users change, but slowly
Are social relationships sensitive to therapeutic change? The ‘‘Phase Model of Change’’ - a famous model in psychotherapy - says that change in
Helping agonist patients with alcohol problems: A NEW guide for primary care staff
What should doctors do differently when screening for alcohol use and delivering brief interventions for agonist patients in primary care? General
Cochrane wins the best paper award in the General Practice category at the Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland (#Cochrane)
Last night, our Cochrane review about Psychosocial interventions to reduce alcohol consumption in concurrent problem alcohol and illicit drug
Why Empirically Supported Psychosocial Treatments Are Important for Drug Users? New research project
UL researchers have been awarded €300,000 by Ireland’s Health Research Board to develop and evaluate psychosocial interventions for drug and alcohol
Square peg in a round hole: You can’t always do a meta-analysis.
"As they say in the West of Ireland, you can't fit a square peg in a round hole*. If some trials in your systematic review are like that round hole