April 1st: Encouraging recruitment to clinical trials is a frequently reported problem. Challenges related to study design, communication,
Which talking therapies work for drug users with alcohol problems? A Cochrane update
Have you ever had an unresolved question and you kept asking again, again and again, until you got the answer? We wanted to find out whether talking
Overdose Education and Naloxone: Workshop for Family Medicine Trainees in Ireland
Overdose is the most common cause of deaths among heroin users. Our previous research has shown that the ambulances in Dublin see one overdose every
Does it work? When doctors need evidence
Healthcare professionals can generate important clinical questions for addiction research. Answering such questions by conducting a Cochrane review of
Addressing a Training Gap through Addiction Research Education for Medical Students: New Paper out Now
Can medical doctors use scientifically proven treatments for addiction? Can they access and critically appraise the latest advances in the addiction
76th Annual Conference of College on Problems of Drug Dependence: Decide to be fearless& fabulous
Not one, but two conferences in Puerto Rico made my trip fantastic. As usual, the NIDA International forum happened for the 15th time on the weekend
European Working Group on Drugs Oriented Research Conference: One size does not fit all
“We all need something to help us unwind at the end of the day. You might have a glass of wine, or a joint, or a big delicious blob of heroin, to
Clinical trials are about human dynamics: RCT course in Belfast, May 7-8
As a trialist, the pressure of working on a trial is much bigger than being in a small group educational session. Challenges of implementing a trial
Addiction Medicine Education for Healthcare Improvement Initiatives: New Paper out Now
The purpose of this work was to develop and to process-evaluate an educational intervention designed to help general practitioners (GPs) identify and